Entre traditions techniques et déterminismes environnementaux : étude techno-économique des occupations moustériennes de Baume-Vallée (Solignac-sur-Loire, Haute-Loire, France) sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:174961 |
Technological variability and settlement dynamics of the Neanderthal groups of the Ciota Ciara cave (Borgosesia, VC, north-western Italy) sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:178197 |
Short and close in time. Overlapped occupation from the layer 56 of the Molare rock shelter (Southern Italy) sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:178446 |
New Excavation at Skhul Cave, Israel: contextualizing early Homo sapiens in the Middle Paleolithic Levant sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:178998 |
Understanding the chronological meaning of Neanderthal technological blade strategies sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:179269 |
Knapping and crushing: Percussion activities at the open-air site of Nesher Ramla (Unit III), implications for understanding the range of activities in the Middle Paleolithic. sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:179430 |
Micoquian, what is it? The multiple use of the term to designate assemblages. A research historical reflection. sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:179806 |
Lithic technology during the early Middle Palaeolithic: a case study from the Southeastern and Southwestern France. sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:179960 |
Lithic assemblages from the Middle Paleolithic of Geißenklösterle Cave, Germany: New insights on Late Pleistocene Neanderthal technology and behavior from the Swabian Jura sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:180001 |
Scrapers and bifacial pieces: technical characteristics of the Yabrudian industries from several Levantine sites sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:180021 |
While the ashes were falling down. Neanderthal technical behavior and settlement pattern on the tephra layer 14 of Oscurusciuto rock shelter (Southern Italy) sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:180212 |
Neanderthal hunting seasonality and Mobility Patterns sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:180375 |
The emergence of the laminar phenomenon during the Middle Pleistocene in the Levant. sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:180377 |
Looking for Hidden Neanderthals – A Raw Material Approach sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:180473 |
Site occupation intensity and the paleoclimate of Geißenklösterle and Hohle Fels caves (Ach valley, southwestern Germany) during the Middle and Upper Paleolithic sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:180561 |
Neanderthal economic organization and land use in Discoid lithic technology sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:180569 |
Tracking the Neanderthal campsites: Applying GIS and geostatistical methods to the archaeolevel Ob of Abric Romani sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:180851 |
New perspectives of the Middle Paleolithic in the caves of Portoselvaggio at Nardo, Lecce in southern Italy. sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:180979 |
The Middle Paleolithic open air site with preservation of plant remains of Aranbaltza III and its implications in the understanding of neandertal settlement dynamics in the Northern Iberian Peninsula. sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:181052 |
Formations superficielles et occupations paléolithiques en France septentrionale : Développement et applications d'un Système d'Information Géographique (SIG) sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:182989 |
What if anything does the discovery of Middle Paleolithic in China tell us about population movements during the Late Pleistocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:184967 |
Entre nord et sud ? Le site paléolithique moyen de Roc-en-Pail, centre-ouest de la France / Between north and south? The Middle Palaeolithic site from Roc-en-Pail, western-central France. sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:184987 |
Analyse technologique et techno-fonctionnelle comparative des faciès moustériens de la bordure est et sud de la mer Caspienne sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:185212 |
Variabilité et diversité des industries lithiques au Paléolithique moyen, en Europe Orientale et au Proche-Orient : entre innovations, diffusions et acculturations sciencesconf.org:uispp2018:185267 |
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