The Emergence of the Middle Paleolithic Technological Concepts in the Levant: a view from Misliya Cave (240-160 ky), Mount Carmel, Israel. |
Variabilité des comportements alimentaires au début du Pléistocène supérieur en France septentrionale : saisonnalité ou variations climatiques ? |
Umbeli Belli and its significance for the final MSA of southern Africa |
Tempo and rhythm of cultural change and site use during the Still Bay, Howiesons Poort and Sibudan of Sibudu Cave, South Africa |
Investigation of Middle Stone Age occupation deposits in Blombos Cave, South Africa: evidence for changes in site use and settlement dynamics in the Southern Cape during the MIS 5b-4 (94 – 72 ka) |
Variation in Middle Stone Age landscape-use behaviour in the Tankwa Karoo (Northern Cape, South Africa) |
Blade production in the Middle Stone Age assemblage from Montagu Cave, South Africa: preliminary observations on the C.M. Keller collection |
Early MIS 5 lithic technology at Klasies River - a re-evaluation of variability and conventions based on new data from current excavations |
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