II-6. Climato-geographical archeologies of the Americas
XXXIV-8. Peuples, migrations, colonisations : des approches historico-culturelles aux analyses génétiques en archéologie protohistorique, de la néolithisation à la fin de l'âge du Fer.
IV-7. La percussion lancée au Paléolithique : identification de son usage, types d’outils associés et étendue chronologique
VI-2. Mettre en évidence le cycle annuel de nomadisme des chasseurs-collecteurs paléolithiques et mésolithiques: enjeux, méthodes, et études de cas.
VIII-1. Mapping the past. From sampling sites and landscapes to exploring the “archaeological continuum”
XIV-1. The first European peopling: chronology, behaviour and environment.
XVI-8. Small tools, big problem! Production, action and function of small tools throughout prehistory/Small tools, big problem! Production, geste et fonctionnement des petits outils durant la Préhistoire.
XVI-4. The Origins of Traditions Regionalization in the Palaeolithic – evaluation, evolution and mechanisms.
XVII-1. Adaptations des sociétés du paléolithique supérieur aux climats.
XVII-2. Magdalenian Phases in Cantabria and Aquitaine: What are we talking about.
XXV-1. Préhistoire atlantique de l'Amérique du sud.
XIX-2. Hunter-gatherers confronting the expansion of farming communities.
I-2. Inferior & Middle Palaeolithic
XXVIII-3. Au-delà des images: Des nouvelles conceptualisations de l'art préhistorique/ Beyond the images: new conceptualizations of prehistoric art.
XXXV-2. Archaeology in transdisciplinary researches: contributions to a Sustainability Science
XXXIV-1. Conditions for the adoption of money, crossed contributions from weighted metal to Antic coins.
XXX-1. Interdisciplinary Methods of Research for Bronze and Iron Ages Funerary Monuments (3rd-1 Millennia BC).
XXXII-4. Cross-channel connections from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age.
XXII-2. The Nile Valley in Prehistory – did it play a role in human dispersals?
II-6. Climato-geographical archeologies of the Americas
XXXIV-8. Peuples, migrations, colonisations : des approches historico-culturelles aux analyses génétiques en archéologie protohistorique, de la néolithisation à la fin de l'âge du Fer.
IV-7. La percussion lancée au Paléolithique : identification de son usage, types d’outils associés et étendue chronologique
VI-2. Mettre en évidence le cycle annuel de nomadisme des chasseurs-collecteurs paléolithiques et mésolithiques: enjeux, méthodes, et études de cas.
VIII-1. Mapping the past. From sampling sites and landscapes to exploring the “archaeological continuum”
XIV-1. The first European peopling: chronology, behaviour and environment.
XVI-8. Small tools, big problem! Production, action and function of small tools throughout prehistory/Small tools, big problem! Production, geste et fonctionnement des petits outils durant la Préhistoire.
XVI-4. The Origins of Traditions Regionalization in the Palaeolithic – evaluation, evolution and mechanisms.
XVII-1. Adaptations des sociétés du paléolithique supérieur aux climats.
XVII-2. Magdalenian Phases in Cantabria and Aquitaine: What are we talking about.
XXV-1. Préhistoire atlantique de l'Amérique du sud.
XIX-2. Hunter-gatherers confronting the expansion of farming communities.
I-2. Inferior & Middle Palaeolithic
XXVIII-3. Au-delà des images: Des nouvelles conceptualisations de l'art préhistorique/ Beyond the images: new conceptualizations of prehistoric art.
XXXV-2. Archaeology in transdisciplinary researches: contributions to a Sustainability Science
XXXIV-1. Conditions for the adoption of money, crossed contributions from weighted metal to Antic coins.
XXX-1. Interdisciplinary Methods of Research for Bronze and Iron Ages Funerary Monuments (3rd-1 Millennia BC).
XXXII-4. Cross-channel connections from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age.
II-5. Climatic variability and societal responses during the Metal Ages in Europe and the Mediterranean (3000-300 BC)
IV-1. Old Stones, New Eyes? Charting future directions in lithic analysis.
X-1. Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass
XVI-5. The search of small tools by Neanderthals populations in Western Europe.
XVI-3. Short-term human occupations and mobility patterns.
XVII-4. The Upper Palaeolithic research in Central and Eastern Europe.
I-3. Superior & Late Paléolithique, Mesolithic
XXXI-2. Ancient DNA.
XXIV-1. Archéologie, sociétés et patrimoine en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre/ Archaeology, societies and heritage in central abnd western Africa.
XX-1. The Archaeology of Submerged Landscapes.
XXXII-1. Places of life and domestic spaces: functional organizations and social strategies.
XXXII-6. Recycling of megaliths (dolmen, menhir, engraved stele) : chronology, function & gesture.
XXVIII-7. The reformulation of the artistic interactions in the Bay of Biscay in the light of the new studies and the discoveries
XXI-3. Prehistoric and protohistoric evidence of early farming and pastoral activities in mountain environments.
XXXIV-4. Across the borders: intangible transfers. Methodological approaches.
XXV-3. Paints and rupestral engravings of Americas: cultural and territorial traces
XIII-2. Prehistoric Personal Adornment in Social and Economic Context
XXX-2. The funerary world since XVII to IX centuries BC in Western Atlantique Europe.
IV-3. Contribution of the ceramic technological approaches to the anthropology and archaeology of pre and protohistoric societies
General assembly (Amphi 2B)
II-5. Climatic variability and societal responses during the Metal Ages in Europe and the Mediterranean (3000-300 BC)
X-1. Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass
XIV-5. From natural to cultural object: raw material-related human behaviors in the early technologies.
XVI-3. Short-term human occupations and mobility patterns.
XVII-4. The Upper Palaeolithic research in Central and Eastern Europe.
I-3. Superior & Late Paléolithique, Mesolithic
XXXI-2. Ancient DNA.
XXIV-2. Ancient Iron Metallurgy in Africa.
XX-1. The Archaeology of Submerged Landscapes.
XXXII-1. Places of life and domestic spaces: functional organizations and social strategies.
XXXII-6. Recycling of megaliths (dolmen, menhir, engraved stele) : chronology, function & gesture.
XXVIII-8.From hunters to breeders: a single path? Perspectives to transitions processes through the study of rock art.
XXI-3. Prehistoric and protohistoric evidence of early farming and pastoral activities in mountain environments.
XXXIV-4. Across the borders: intangible transfers. Methodological approaches.
XXV-3. Paints and rupestral engravings of Americas: cultural and territorial traces
XIII-2. Prehistoric Personal Adornment in Social and Economic Context
XXX-2. The funerary world since XVII to IX centuries BC in Western Atlantique Europe.
IV-3. Contribution of the ceramic technological approaches to the anthropology and archaeology of pre and protohistoric societies
II-7. The role of climate in the transition from foraging to farming systems
VII-1. Archaeology and interdisciplinarity, from the 19th century to present-day research
IV-5. Earthen construction technology
VI-1. “Man the hunter” revisited – Pleistocene Archaeology in the 21st century
XV-2. Current research on settlement dynamics and cultural variability during the Middle Paleolithic.
XVII-5. Use and Social Organization of Space: The Palaeolithic Origins of Human Spatiality.
XIX-1. Holocene environmental and cultural variability in the Western Mediterranean.
XXIII-1. Paleoenvironmental, Behavioural Variability, Cultural Transitions and Dispersals during the Pleistocene and the Holocene in North West Africa.
XVI-7. Is ‘Neanderthal behaviour' a useful concept? Multiscalar approches to the behavioural diversity of middle palaeolithic neanderthal populations.
XXIX-1. The intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples.
XXXVIII-1. Mobilities and networks in old Oceania: archaeological and ethno-historic approaches.
XXXIV-6. Double Session Stone in Metal Ages. 6a - Late stone talks: Lithic Industries in Metal Ages : 6b - Let there be Rock and Metal : l'outillage en pierre des métallurgistes préhistoriques de la mine à l'atelier.
XX-2. Shell mounds, shell middens and coastal resources.
XXVIII-5. Traces, tracks, and pathways. Rock art, archaeology and the lines of life.
I-4. Neolithic & metal ages
XXI-1. Interactions, networks and routes within and through mountain ranges.
XXXVII-2. Human subsistence and settlement patterns during the Late-Glacial and early Holocene: insights from bones.
XXXV-1. Understanding and accessibility of pre-and proto-historical research issues: sites, museums and communication strategies.
III-1 (CA). Big Data, databases and archaeology